Skiing the Jackrabbit Trail in the Adirondacks: tracking the legendary Jackrabbit Johannsen
How a transplanted Norwegian influenced the development of ski trails in North America
Who was Jackrabbit Johannsen?
Born in Norway in 1875, Jackrabbit Johannsen is known as the Norwegian pioneer of cross-country skiing in North America. He was born Herman Smith-Johannsen but acquired the nickname of “Jackrabbit” by the First Nation of Cree because of his ability to move quickly by ski through the deep snow.
Jackrabbit loved to explore the backwoods of the New York Adirondacks on skis and spend days in the mountains. Along the way, he would stop at local villages and share his adventures with the townspeople. Jackrabbit’s energy and thirst for cross-country skiing was infectious. He encouraged others to strap on their wooden skis and join him.
The first time I arrived in this country, the native Americans used snowshoes, while I had skis. They had never seen anything so strange. I traveled with the trappers following their collars (...). Finally, some of them tried them. Twenty years later, I went back and they all had skis.
- "Jackrabbit" Johannsen (Sources: S. Staff, The Old Man and the Ski)
Building a community of nordic skiers
Jackrabbit lived and vacationed in the Lake Placid area from 1916 to 1928. During this time, he was a ski instructor and a tour guide. He became infamous for skiing in one day from the village of Lake Placid to the summit of Mt Marcy (highest peak in New York) - a 30 mile round trip expedition.
Above: Jackrabbit teaching a ski class in Lake Placid, New York in the early 1920’s. He competed in many cross country ski races over the years and helped to coach members of the 1932 Olympic Ski Team.
Jackrabbit’s influence on trail development
While spending time in Lake Placid, Jackrabbit helped to developed a trail network in and around the Lake Placid area. This trail network would eventually become part of the present-day Jackrabbit Ski Trail.
Jackrabbit imported the Norwegian model of ski trail development to North American - connecting small villages and inns along a network for the community to enjoy.
In 1928, Johannsen moved to Montreal, Canada with his wife and three children. While living in Canada, Jackrabbit fostered the recreational pursuit of cross country skiing there. He is credited for developing the extensive ski trail networks across the Laurentians in Quebec, including the famous Maple Leaf Trail.
Jackrabbit Johannsen was inducted into both the Canadian Ski Hall of Fame and the US Ski Hall of Fame and profiled by ABC Sports during the coverage of the 1984 Winter Olympic Games.
Watch this short clip (start at 3:36) about Jackrabbit at age 108 and still skiing. He died three years later at the age of 111.
The Jackrabbit Trail today in the Adirondacks
The Jackrabbit Trail was officially founded in 1986 and developed and expanded over the years through the joint efforts of several community and private organizations - such as the Adirondack Ski Touring Council (ASTC), the Whiteface Club, Adirondack Mountain Club, the Lake Placid Club and the Barkeater Trails Alliance (BETA).
While the trail was originally conceived and designed similar to the Scandinavian-style “town to town” ski route, the Jackrabbit Trail today can be used all year-round - hiking, trail running and biking. The trail can be accessed at various trailheads which makes it easy to enjoy it in sections.
Today, the trail crosses both public and private lands and is managed by the Barkeater Trail Alliance (BETA). The trail is well-marked with red Jackrabbit Trail markers and/or yellow New York Department of Environmental Conversation (DEC) cross-country ski markers.
More information about BETA and what they do here.
General description of the trail route
Today, the roughly 42-mile trail now winds its way from the Adirondack Rock and River Lodge in Keene under the Pitchoff Cliffs to the Paul Smith’s College Visitor Interpretive Center in Paul Smiths. Along the way, the Jackrabbit Trail passes through Lake Placid, Saranac Lake and many of the area’s major ski trail systems: the ADK Cascade Ski Center, Scott’s Cobble ski area (Craig Woods Golf Course), the Lake Placid Club, the Peninsula Trails and the trails at Paul Smith’s VIC. It also passes within walking distance of the Mount Van Hoevenberg Ski Complex.
Start here for current trail information via the Barkeater Trails Alliance (BETA)
BETA offers an excellent overview and current developments on their website here.
For current trail conditions for winter use, use their resources here.
Map Resources
Unfortunately, there are not too many maps (if any) available that cover the entire trail. The Green Goat map (link below) is the closest one I found so far. In addition, with the expansion of the new Adirondack Rail Trail into Saranac Lake and beyond, the maps are changing to accommodate this development. New sections of the Adirondack Rail Trail encompass part of the Jackrabbit Trail.
More details on the major trail sections provided by BETA
Lake Clear Junction to Paul Smith’s VIC - 9 miles
Saranac Lake to McKenzie Pond Road - 1.5 miles
McKenzie Pond Road to Whiteface Inn
Mirror Lake to ADK Cascade Trails
Some of my favorite Jackrabbit adventures
Below: my favorite section is to ski from the Rock and River Lodge in Keene (see link below) through the pass below Pitchoff Mountain.
Below: skiing near the the Olympic Jumping Complex just outside Lake Placid with views of the Adirondack peaks.
Below: a ski into this lean-to which is about 1.5 miles from the trailhead near the Whiteface Club Nordic Center. Taking a break to a snack and then continuing for a 2.5 mile climb. Then a sweet downhill to the next trailhead.
Below: a ski adventure into McKenzie Pond from the village of Saranac Lake.
Recommended services along or near the trail
High Peaks Cyclery in Lake Placid
The Mountaineer in Keene Valley
ADK Cascade Information Center
St Regis Canoe Outfitters in Saranac Lake
Saraplacid Inn and Suites in Saranac Lake
The Lake Placid Stagecoach Inn in Lake Placid
Food and brew
Blue Moon Cafe in Saranac Lake
The Downhill Grille in Saranac Lake
Big Slide Brewery & Public House
Lisa G’s Restaurant in Lake Placid
Hope to see you soon on the trails.
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This is awesome! Thanks for sharing, Jenn!